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- Digital Solutions for Process Optimization
A Smart Way to Optimize Processes
With Digital Solutions
When optimizing your injection molding processes, you can rely on ENGEL’s expertise as well as on our digital solutions. Along the entire product life cycle - from part design and mold sampling to production and maintenance & service. Our digital solutions enable significant improvements in process quality, reduce wear and increase the output/yield in injection molding production.
Simulation and real measurement data are compared. This ensures a shorter start-up phase and an optimized process from the very beginning.
Parameters such as calculation of holding pressure or cooling time are optimized by intelligent assistance systems to be able to start series production more quickly.
Thanks to intelligent assistance systems, the optimum production parameters can be determined, actively suggested, or automatically set during ongoing production.
With our intelligent monitoring and remote maintenance tools, you can avoid unplanned downtimes and quickly troubleshoot.